The liquidity of your portfolio, refers to the proportion of your total net worth held in liquid and disposable assets. This ratio depends on your financial goals and should be evaluated accordingly. If you have short-term goals or goals nearing maturity, a higher proportion of liquid assets is recommended. Quite often, we have seen that wealth or net worth is locked in assets such as land, property, gold, and so on, which cannot be disposed off in times of emergency. Further, for properties used for consumption, like residence, there is some debate as to whether it should be considered at all when calculating this ratio.
To assess the liquidity of your portfolio, divide your liquid assets by your total net worth. It is essential to strike a balance between financial and non-financial assets or liquid and illiquid assets, considering your specific financial objectives. There have been many cases where people have suffered and had to borrow money even though they had sizeable money locked up in illiquid assets.